How To Add a Student

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Category: Students

From the dashboard, click "+ Add New". You will first add the student's name, date of birth, and timezone. Then you will be guided to through other questions that help determine who the system should set up the "Login" for.

In Blink Lesson students and Logins are separate. This allows you to have a login for say, the student and their parent who needs to pay invoices. You will add the student and their linked login at the same time. Simply remember, 'Student' refers to the person receiving the services and 'Login' is the person that will login. If your student is old enough to login, we will create a 'Student' and a 'Login' with the same name.

Note: If you do not have the "User Admin" permission, and the system tells you the new login's email already exists, you need to contact someone with, "User Admin" permission in your organization to help.

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