How To Update Or Delete a Student Login

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Category: Students

1) Click on "Logins for Students" at the bottom left:

2) You will see a list of Logins with students linked to you. If you are a "User-Admin" there will be a "Show All" button at the top left enabling you to see all students logins in your organization.

3) Click the Login you want to edit/delete.

4) Update the information and click Update

5) If you are a "User-Admin" you will see a red "Delete Permanently" button at the bottom right. Please exercise caution when deleting a Login.

NOTE: Deleting a Login does not delete their linked students. Thus, if you need to delete a Student Login and student(s) linked to them, you will need to go to the dashboard, find the student and delete them there. That said, it is best to set a student as "discharged" rather than deleting.

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