How To Update, Discharge Or Delete a Student

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Category: Students

1) Go to the Dashboard

2) Click "Students" and you will see students linked to you. If you are a "User-Admin" there will be a "Show All" button at the top left enabling you to see all students in your organization.

3) Click on a student then "Edit" button at the top.

4) Edit the student's information and click "Update".

5) If you are a "User-Admin" you will see a red "Delete Permanently" button at the bottom right. Before you delete, consider updating them to "discharged". This will keep all their data saved in Blink Lesson but you will not be able to start an online lesson with them. Please exercise caution when deleting students as this will delete all their related notes, homework, future appointments, and other related data..

6) NOTE: Deleting a student does not delete their linked logins. Thus, if you need to delete a student and a Login linked to them, you will need to go to "Logins" and delete it there.

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