How Do I Change the Staff for An Appoitment

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Changing the staff person of a lesson to a substitute is easy, but you need to understand a few things.

Lessons can have multiple staff and students. At least one staff need to be linked to every student in the lesson. That said, the biggest issue with substitutes is online lessons.

For online lessons, the substitute must be linked to the student in order for everyone to join the online lesson. Follow the directions below to link the substitute to the student(s). You must have the User-Admin permission to change staff-student linking

1) Go to the 'Staff' page and click on the substitute staff.

2) Link all the students the substitute staff will see.

3) Go to the absent staff's schedule. On each lesson, open and click 'Edit'. Then at the top change the staff of the lesson to the substitute.

4) You will need to notify each student that they need to click the "Start Session with 'substitute'" button instead of the usual staff they see.

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